Big data continues to get bigger, and with it the value of this data grows, as well. But with this growth comes a struggle for many businesses to maintain and organize this data, as well as keep it secure—much less derive value from its content. In this era, data health management is key.
A recent study carried out by Morar Consulting revealed that nearly one in 10 businesses do not have a data center health management system in place. The new report from Intel summarizes the findings from the study carried out in Spring 2017 that included 200 IT decision makers in the U.S. and U.K. involved with data center management, such as CIOs, CTOs, Senior Managers and more. The study and report highlights today’s approaches and attitudes toward the implementation of a data center health management strategy.
According to the study, for businesses that already have data health management systems in place, a third didn’t implement the system until they were in crisis mode. The main incentive — 47 percent — to implement a data health management system is: you guessed it, new technology, especially tech that spurs on regular health checks. The report explores these drivers further, as well as the challenges that come with them.
The main incentive to implement a data health management system today is new technology. #DCIMClick To TweetThe study also delves into what health check methods companies are using today. Interestingly, according to respondents, one in five data center managers are still relying on manual processes to perform jobs that could be made easier by simply automation software.
“This manual approach therefore suggests that data center managers are not yet reliant on or fully understand software capabilities,” the report states, “with more than half still using a hybrid of software and manual checking when assessing data center health.”
Enter data management systems. These systems have helped businesses of all sizes streamline their operations—including data health management processes. The study shows that one of the problems with data center health management programs is over half of IT managers don’t regularly perform checks, or only do so reactively.
Human error will always be an issue, but a quality DCIM system can help IT executives “automate, plan, and address issues that occur within the system.” As for barriers to a successful data health management strategy, the study showed budget continues to be an issue. Additional challenges included lack of motivation and foreseeable value.
The report from Intel explores how having a DCIM solution in place can increase efficiency, and cut down on manual work to maintain business operations.
To learn more about data health management and DCIM tools, download the full report, “The State of Data Health Management Strategy 2017,” courtesy of Intel.