The modern data center has become an engine driving business, innovation, and strategy forward. We’re seeing the emergence of new technologies which are changing the way we interact with core IT resources. Cloud computing is introducing new types of consumption models and better economics for the business. The challenge becomes understanding where these solutions fit in with the business and how to scale an existing environment. In this whitepaper from COMPASS Data Centers we learn what it means to “put everything” into the cloud and how to break out of the traditional data center role. The paper dives deeper into concepts around:
- Application-as-a-Service (AaaS)
- Shared cloud
- Dedicated/Bare Metal cloud
- Colocation
- Dedicated Facilities
It’s critical to understand your own business goals and where various technologies can make direct impacts. As you understand various models of the data center and the cloud ecosystem – you’ll need to make decisions around your entire data center environment. Rremember, the decision as to what solution is best suited to support a corporate application or applications is based on the interrelationship between four specific factors:
- Regulation and risk
- Scale
- Control
- Expertise
As the paper outlines, the interrelationship between these factors is far from linear and reinforces the need for IT to step up to its new role of evaluating and determining the platform for applications based on the strategic requirements of the organization. In making these assessments, IT must weigh the “costs”, both financial and in terms of risk, that are associated with each potential platform to determine the best choice for the organization.
For years CIO’s have been bombarded with the unsolicited advice from industry analysts and pundits declaring that in order to offer real corporate value they must adopt a more strategic role corporate role. Although this admonition was probably always good advice, the dynamic nature the applications being implemented by today’s businesses, and the variety of platforms available to support them, now makes it an imperative requirement. Adopting a new type of data center paradigm means that IT will need to shift from operating in a reactive, tactical capacity to one that is actively involves them in the earliest stages of corporate initiatives.
Download this whitepaper today to learn about the modern data center, where the IT metamorphosis is happening and why organizations that embrace this idea concept will find their IT departments to be a key element of corporate innovation as opposed to a provider of last resort.